Trumps Cabinet
After being elected the next President of the United States, Donald Trump must now pick his cabinet. With people in the country already against him and his team, he has to pick a cabinet that will get the job done and please the American people. Recently, Trump has picked fourteen of his twenty one cabinet members and has gotten mixed emotions back from citizens and experienced politicians. With his inauguration approaching Mr. Trump must pick his remaining team to be ready for running this country on January 20th.
Some of the more important and talked-about positions have been Secretary of Defense, United Nations Ambassador, Secretary of Education, Secretary of Homeland Security, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and Attorney General. General Mattis was chosen to be Secretary of Defense. “Mad Dog Mattis” has served more than four decades in the Marine Corps and is one of the best leaders of all time. He is an aggressive talker who doesn’t care what others think of him. When Mattis was asked about “Political Islam” He responded saying that it’s the biggest issue for the safety of this country. There are mixed opinions about him because of his aggressiveness and his violent speeches. Other supporters believe he is a perfect fit because they feel that our Secretary of Defense should be an aggressive, smart, former Marine.
Trump picked Nikki Haley as the United Nations Ambassador. Her mother and father are Indian Immigrants and she has spent most of her time in opposition to the Iran Nuclear agreement. Not many people have been paying attention or wondered if Mrs. Haley will be the right fit. Some have questioned why she was chosen after she stated she was not a fan of Donald Trump months before the election. Ben Carson was selected as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Carson ran against Mr. Trump in the 2016 election and has never held political office. Ben Carson is Donald Trump’s biggest African American supporter and confidant. The most talked about problem with Ben Carson is his experience. He hasn’t had a lot of experience in office but his main goal is to improve the inner cities, which most people believe he can do. The new secretary of Homeland Security will be Gen. John F. Kelly. Kelly previously retired from being the U.S Southern Command Chief. He was in charge of overseeing military operations in Central and South America. He’s most known for fighting with president Obama over the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. The New Secretary of Education will be Betsy DeVos. Mrs. DeVos is a republican and billionaire philanthropist. She has spent most of her time pushing for more private school programs. Jeff Sessions, known for his strict policy on immigration, will be the new Attorney General. Many people think Sessions is a racist after he joked to the senate about the Ku Klux Klan. Sessions is not well liked by the public due to his callous reference to the KKK.
Trump’s Cabinet has been talked about since his election. His 14 chosen cabinet members have been talked about, criticized, and or praised. American people hope that his cabinet will help to improve this country and our safety in the global community.

Government Class does timeline for Trump’s Cabinet