College Bound Seniors

Jared Antle

The “Countdown to Graduation”

High school seniors all around the country are preparing for the next step in the process we call life.  Students everywhere are applying for college and hoping and praying that they get into their dream school.  Many consider this process to be boring and difficult, and are even dreading the college experience, but there are some who enjoy the process and are looking forward to what college life holds for them.

Among a large sampling of seniors at Lafayette High School, most said they were excited, while 30% said they were nervous or afraid.  When asked what they were dreading the most about college, most replied with not seeing their friends and family or anyone else they’ve been with the past 18 years.  Many also said they were not excited about the work load.  90% of respondents said the biggest difference expected will be the overall lifestyle; not having a family there, having nothing but a small dorm to go home to, and overall just being more independent and having more responsibilities.  Most respondents claimed to be excited about the freedom of college, but scared for the potential loneliness.  Whatever their expectations, the students who were planning to go to college were trying hard to get the grades needed.  Senior Rachel Lia claimed, “College is going to be tough, but I’ve been working hard my whole life and I’ll continue to do the same thing in college.”  Rachel is among many seniors at Lafayette who are working hard to get into the college of their dream.  Most high school students know, it’s impossible to get into any dream school without any hard work.