New Club at LHS

Strong Social Message Promoted by New Club

Photo by Abby Crabtree

This colorful sign stands as a focal point on the brick wall in the upper commons.

The recently formed

“Love is Love” club has caught the attention of many students at LHS. It’s hard not to notice the colorful signs hanging all around the school, inviting students to come check the club out and possibly join.

Photo by Abby Crabtree
One of the many signs around our school promoting the new club.

We all know

that it is hard to be accepted if you are “different” in society, but the judgment is ten times harsher in high school. Most teenagers do not hold back when it comes to voicing their opinions, even though what they say can be extremely hurtful.


The formation of this club is like a safe haven for LGBT students, giving them a place to go that is judgement-free and inviting. The club meets on Wednesdays in room 302, sponsored by our very own, openly gay, Spanish teacher Senor Bellido.  This is Mr. Bellido’s first year at Lafayette and it is evident that he is doing his part and engaging with his students.

Another sign posted on the library windows.
Another sign posted on the library windows.


High school can be a very scary and risky place to be openly different and stand out. Thanks to Senor Bellido and the Love is Love club, students now have a place to go to feel at home with others who share the same interests as them.

This sign is seen by students while walking down the ramp.
This sign is seen by students while walking down the ramp.