Black Friday Survival Guide

Black Friday is almost here, a day when an estimated 137.4 million shoppers flood malls, shopping centers, outlets and retail stores in search of the best deals. The crowds are nearly unavoidable, but there are a few things shoppers can do to minimize the chaotic element of their Black Friday experience. Here are tips for surviving Black Friday:

  1. Have a Plan

As tempting as it is to dive into the madness head first, it is always better to have a plan. Search online for items and stores with deals that appeal to you the most. Make a list of stores you plan to visit and items you plan to purchase.


  1. Set a budget

The average person spent $300 on Black Friday in 2015, according to the National Retail Federation. In 2014, consumers spent approximately $380.95 each. Black Friday is a great time to save big bucks, but many spend more cash than planned on unnecessary purchases. Set a budget and stick to it.


  1. Don’t underestimate coupons

In the past, Black Friday coupons were hefty. To find this year’s bargains, peruse local newspapers and online for printable coupons to pack in your purse.


  1. Be Prepared

There will be amazing deals, but there will also be crowded stores and long lines at the register. Bring along an iPod or a book to pass the time while you’re waiting to pay, and pack snacks and water.


  1. Keep a level head

Fights break out nearly every year, whether over a TV or the hottest kid’s toy. Though Black Friday takes place right after Thanksgiving, many people turn from thankful and loving to hostile and materialistic. Keep your sanity and remember a bargain is never worth an assault and battery charge.

If shoppers keep these tips in mind, it is more likely their Black Friday experience will be a pleasant one, rather than a nightmare.