Lafayette Athletes Sign With Colleges

Tristen Packer

Athletes smile for the camera.

Signing day is one of the best and most memorable days a young athlete will have in their career. On signing day, athletes with scholarship offers or walk on offers will sign a contract stating that they will play for that school after graduation.

On November 10th Lafayette seniors Konrad Steck, Abby Orne, John Keane and Rachel Lia all signed their letters of intent. The athletes’ friends, families and coaches attended to watch this special moment. It started with Athletic Director and Coach Andy Linn describing what the athletes would be doing in the ceremony. The athletes then introduced themselves and revealed where they would be attending college: John Keane (Baseball) will be attending Old Dominion University and hoping to study criminal justice or sports management. Rachel Lia (Basketball) will be attending Rollins College with desires to study French and psychology. Abby Orne (Volleyball) will be attending Christopher Newport University and will be studying psychology. Konrad Steck (Cross Country/Track) will be attending The Air Force Academy and wishes to be a pilot or study economics. Then, they signed their letters of intent and smiled for the camera.

After the ceremony, I asked the athletes “How does it feel to finally know where you’re going to college?” All four of them said it was a relief.  They were all thankful that the recruiting process was over. For all of the athletes, their school decision was not a hard choice. Steck described his process to me, “I researched the schools that were interested in me, then I chose the schools I liked and got back in touch with them. After this, I visited them and I chose Air Force”. Lia, Keane, and Orne were much the same. They all fell in love with the schools they chose and cannot wait to get there.