Exploring Norway and an Unlikely Tragedy
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The country of Norway is often overlooked, but is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, along with their culture and beliefs.

Norway upholds high standards that are respected and important to its people. They build their society based off of equality between genders. They are paid equally within their jobs, and are treated equally by society. According to the article by StudyinNorway, “Norwegian values are rooted in egalitarian ideals and Norway is a progressive welfare state. Openness, equality and equal rights are important values that you will experience when you Study in Norway.” There are also laws and requirements that employers and companies must uphold due to this equal society. The article by Norway.no, states that “Under Norwegian law, women are to make up at least 40 % of boards in publicly-owned enterprises and privately-owned public limited companies.” The people of Norway take gender equality seriously and abide by the laws and rules. At least 70% of women in Norway work. Lastly, men are required to take time off when their spouse has a baby, in order to uphold the equal gender work values the country prioritizes. Norway is perceived as having a “fair” society where everyone is treated the same.
Not only is Norway perceived as an equal society in terms of gender, they also respect and allow same sex couples to get married, and adopt children. Same sex couples have been legal in Norway since 1972, and they’ve been able to marry and adopt since 2009. To upkeep the societal values, it is common for citizens to call teachers and certain leaders by their first names. In Norway, societal class isn’t an issue, and everyone expects to be respected. Along with these values is what Norway calls the “Nordic Model”. This stands for equal distribution of wealth, and applies to their general economy system.

While Norway’s culture is peaceful and equal, they, like every country, have endured violence. In 2011, there was an organized bomb attack by citizen Anders Behring Breivik that killed over 70 people at a summer camp in Olso, Norway. This shooting is Norway’s deadliest shooting to this day. There was first an explosion that killed eight people, then the shooting happened. According to the BBC News article, witness Lisa Husby said that, ‘”I don’t think they understood what was going on. A lot of the people who actually saw what happened were fleeing, but this group were sheltered and they couldn’t see what was happening, so they were just standing there not knowing what to do.”‘ She explained that the island was small, and that the campers were trapped. This tragic event improved the country’s overall security and protection. It was a reminder to all that no country is completely safe and peaceful.
All in all, Norway is a gender-safe, equal country, that enforces rules and regulations to protect its citizens. It’s a country that is truly “for the people” and every law created and enforced is made for the benefit of its citizens. While it has its flaws, Norway strives to be a safe, welcoming country that provides a peaceful environment for every citizen and visitor.