COVID vs. High School Students
How has COVID being online impacted students lives?

We’re being attacked by something deadly? What is it you ask …. It is COVID 19, a new strain of diseases that has been previously identified in humans. The pandemic has resulted in a dramatic loss of human life worldwide and presents an unprecedented challenge to public health, food systems, and the work system. Many people are at risk of poverty and might lose their jobs.
Common symptoms of the disease are coughing, fevers, headaches, new loss of taste or smell, muscle pain , ext. COVID has made students’ lives change in the blink of an eye. Some students can’t take the stress of having school online.

I interviewed two siblings to get their input on online schooling. Cameron Stevens a junior at Nansemond river highnschool said, “Last year I was going through with grades but now that online school has started I have all A’s.” He added, “I still wish we were at regular school because I miss having a normal routine.” He has to battle with being home and doing school but he still manages keeping his grades up. Even though he’s had good results being online, it is still a struggle.
Students might not want to stay at home because it is boring or stressful, but it helps us stay safe. If we were at school regularly during the COVID time the virus would spread like crazy . So it might be easier to be at school but the safety of our lives matter.

Arianna Goode is the other sibling who attends Nansemond river high school along with her brother. When interviewed she said, ”Last year my grades were all A’s and this year I am struggling to keep up.” She is a freshman that goes to the same school as her brother. She said, “I feel that when I am in school I can study more and focus while being at home is good because of the pandemic but missing being at school.” Students want to go back to school because they miss the pep rallies, hanging with friends, and just being able to get out the house. It might make COVID spread faster but we are losing are minds at home because to be isolated from going outdoors like we used to how it is now a big change and some students cant take. A lot of high school students are having to work together to stay on top of things. For example, some students have study groups where they can group facetime and work on school work together.
These two high school students are living in the same household, have the same family, same school but still the pandemic has changed them in different ways . Personally, I can stand up and say that last year my grades were good but money can get tight. I was working at Food Lion half way through summer, and being on online school I have spent over 1000 dollars of my paychecks on Door dash, and other food. So my grades might not have changed but my income has especially since I’m not allowed to work during the school year. No money coming in while I’m still ordering food means that I’m losing money faster. COVID 19 has made everyone’s lives stressful being at home and we are all in hopes to going back to school soon.