More COVID-19 Restrictions?
With the increase in the number of COVID cases in Virginia, Governor Ralph Northam has imposed stricter rules.
We, as a state, have been following all of the guidelines and rules for COVID-19 since the very beginning. However, there are more serious restrictions that have started to be enforced since Monday November 16th.

Virginia’s Governor, Ralph Northam, has released his new restrictions that are required by the people to be followed in hopes of decreasing the number of cases. The previously acceptable number of people in a gathering was 250 individuals, and now the number is being cut down to 25. Attending school or work is the only exception. Businesses that serve alcohol will have to close by midnight, and places that sell alcohol and allow the consumption of alcohol will have to stop by 10 p.m.
There are still other restrictions included in the new guidelines. Young people over the age of 5 must wear a mask out in public. Gyms must keep attendance down to 75% of their normal capacity, or 25 people. Lastly, recreational sporting facilities may host only 30% of their normal capacity, or have a 25 person limit.
Jamestown High School senior, Anna Yaugo, works a part time job at Starbucks where she has to abide by the new restrictions.
“I think since the numbers of cases are rising, it was a good idea to enforce new rules,” she said. “However, I think 25 people maximum is a little too low and people will not follow it.” She went on to explain how she would be affected by the new restrictions. “I will be affected by the new restrictions, yet I think everyone will be. My mom won’t be able to attend my sporting events and cheer me on. I also will be receiving less tips at work because the number of people in restaurants are reducing.” When Anna was asked if she thought these restrictions would be strictly enforced, she said, “No, just like last time they are going to be loosely enforced and people are going to continue to do whatever they want. I hope this is not the case this time so we can protect our people. If everyone would just abide by the rules, it will help stop the spread of COVID-19 and hopefully decrease a lot of the cases in Virginia.”

Many are debating the effectiveness of closing businesses earlier, as dictated by the new guidelines. Anna’s take? “I think closing everything down earlier will prevent the spread of COVID because there will be less interaction among people which will hopefully decrease the number of cases.”
Lastly, Anna expressed strong feelings about whether or not students should be brought back into school buildings.
“ABSOLUTELY NOT! There’s going to be more than 25 people in the school which will defeat the whole purpose of the new restrictions. In addition, it’s going to be a challenge to social distance the students and staff.”
Overall, the restrictions Governor Northam has released are merely stricter versions of what was already in place, mostly requiring fewer people in a particular space. By putting out these new restrictions, he hopes to stabilize and, better yet, decrease the number of COVID-19 cases in the state of Virginia.