Future of Solar Roofs
In a time where the effects of global warming are more apparent than ever, the need for renewable energy is growing steadily. Cars, farms, the increasing population, and mining the Earth for nonrenewable resources are the biggest contributors to environmental changes. The simplest way to halt global warming and even start improving the environment again is to switch all of our nonrenewable energy, into renewable energy. Electricity, gasoline, and coal are some of the first things that need to be replaced to make the switch to a sustainable life. Electric cars are being developed to use less gasoline, and ultimately eliminate gasoline in cars. Elon Musk has been at the forefront of this movement, with the creation of Tesla, SpaceX, and SolarCity. Solar City is the number one solar energy source in the United States, providing solar energy to homeowners, businesses, and schools across the country. His other company, Tesla, is the leader in electric cars worldwide.
Elon recently announced his collaboration of his two companies to create a new solar roof that looks like the classic traditional roofs, is affordable, and removes the need for electric energy. This will save money, help the environment, and is supposed to be more affordable than a regular roof. The installation of a solar panel roof costs a lot, but when offset by diminished electricity costs, there should be a net savings to the consumer. The numbers and prices haven’t been announced yet, but details should be released soon.