Projected Majors for the 2016 Senior Class

As the school year is coming to an end and seniors are getting ready to go their separate ways, one popular question is making the rounds:  what do you plan to major in? 105 members of the senior class were surveyed on their projected majors to see what the most popular major would be. The results may be surprising.

Given five choices plus the option for a write-in, seniors responded with gusto. Twenty-nine seniors checked the box labeled “Science”. Pre-med does fall in this category, but the majority of the science majors specialized in chemistry, biology, and psychology. Twenty-seven seniors checked the box marked “Political Science”, most of them specializing in business, politics, and economics/finance.  Twenty-one marked the box labeled “Liberal Arts”. Of these seniors, the majority plan to major in graphic design, journalism, and speech pathology. The “Other” category on this poll received seventeen votes from the seniors. The most common note left on these was “unknown”, meaning these seniors were still unclear as to what their major will be. Lastly, the least popular major for the senior class of 2016 was math. The “Math” category on this poll received a total of eleven votes, less than 1/8 of the total votes given.

The seniors this year have shown a popularity in Science and Political Science. But no matter what path they choose to take, they all have been in the same position where they had to sit down and really think about what they want to do for the rest of their lives. They must choose based on their skills, knowledge, and personal preference, the career path they want to follow. Needless to say, whether they are going to college to be a surgeon, or taking a year off to earn the money to go, we are all extremely proud of the 2016 senior class, you did it!

Margo Minor committed to play field hockey for Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio
Photo Courtesy of Margo Minor
Margo Minor committed to play field hockey for Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio
Photo Courtesy of Connor Wrann                   Connor Wrann has chosen to spend the next four years of his life  at James Madison University.


Photo Courtesy of Jakiera Crocker                  Jakiera Crocker has chosen to attend Radford University for the next four years.
