Lafayette Rams Win Class 4 State Baseball Championship
The Lafayette Rams worked hard all year, drawing inspiration from former Lafayette Ram, Jared Antle, to win the class 4 State Baseball Championship.
Once Ozzie Torrez scored, the victorious Rams rushed the field, forming a dogpile behind 3rd base. Only after the initial celebratory antics subsided was the team officially named Class 4 Baseball State Champions.
The Lafayette Rams Baseball team came out victorious in the Class 4 State Baseball Championship. Throughout the season, the Rams played through rough patches and obstacles, but what really made the Rams special was that they played with heart. Starting from day 1, the Rams motto was, “Jared Strong”, and that was what really made the Rams special going into the state tournament.
Jared Antle is a former Lafayette Ram baseball player that was side swiped by a vehicle and suffered major brain injuries. Going into the season with Jared fighting for his life in the hospital, The Rams dedicated their playing to Jared. Playing for Jared was the team’s inspiration and drive to winning the State Championship. Everyone thought the Rams were the underdogs going into the tournament, but all of Williamsburg knew that Jared’s inspiration and the players drive would make the Rams victorious. With the 2019 State Championship victory, this was the Lafayette’s second state title dating back to 2015, when Jared Antle won his Championship as a Junior.