Is There Really A War on Christmas?

Donald Trump claims he brought “Merry Christmas” back to the White House– but it never left

John Gresham
With Christmas trees used as decorations in public schools, it is plain to see Christmas is going nowhere soon

December is here and with it comes winter weather and spending time with the family. During this merry time of the year, many holidays are celebrated by different religions. Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25th; Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah from December 12th to December 20th, and Kwanzaa is also celebrated.

However, there are some people in America who believe Christmas and, by extension, their Christian way of life, to be under attack. They assert that since people have moved away from saying “Merry Christmas!” to “Happy Holidays!” that their religion, Christianity, is no longer being supported. Some even go as far as stating that the United States is a Christian nation, as was intended by the founders wanted. However, this is just not true. Founding father John Adams says “The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.” The United States has no established religion and anyone who believes otherwise should refer back to the First Amendment.

Even if the U.S was a Christian nation, saying “Happy Holidays” is not a move towards excluding Christians, but rather including other religions. Including other religions does not mean excluding Christianity. The “War on Christmas” is not real and Christianity is not going anywhere.