The Lafayette Ledger

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The Lafayette Ledger

The Lafayette Ledger

2023-2024 Year for Aniya Everett

Nathaniel Everett
Maaliyah Outz (Left) and Aniya Everett (Right) smile, raising the signature peace sign as they dress up for twin day during the winter break spirit week.
Maaliyah Outz (Left), Nora Middleton (Middle), and Aniya Everett (Right), enthusiastically pose for a selfie in the ballroom for prom, in their beautiful prom dresses.
Emmanuel Anyonje (Left) and Maaliyah Outz (Right) pose for the camera, where Emmanuel is looking rather enthused to hold the once lively rat that was later dissected.
Aniya Everett (Left), Maaliyah Outz (Middle), and Thomas Watson (Right) pose enthusiastically for a selfie during their lunch.
Sophie Rose (Far Left), Aniya Everett (Left), Antoinette Bryant (Right), and Madison Cosgrove (Far Right) stunningly pose for a selfie during a neon themed home football game.
Maaliyah Outz (Left) and Aniya Everett (Right) pose for a selfie as they bittersweetly walk out of their last block on the last day of school for seniors.
Nora Middleton cutely poses for a candid photo while holding a bright yellow dandelion picked by a friend.
At a whiteout themed game, the football field looks as green as ever as both teams call for a time out. The student section holds up a cardboard cut out of football player, James Spencer awaiting the game to commence.


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