The Lafayette Ledger

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The Lafayette Ledger

The Lafayette Ledger

Capturing Life at LHS: 2023-2024

A photo essay of some of LHS students favorite moments this year.
Isaac’s favorite moment this year was “Winning the regional championship after being counted out.” (Isaac Moore )
“This is one of my favorite moments because I got to spend time with my close friends, doing something we think is fun which is making slime.” -Keana (Keana Schadow )
Irene’s favorite part of this school year was “Going to states for track with all my teammates and running the 4×1, every part of it.” (Irene Dickinson )
One of Hailey’s favorite moments this year was participating in dunk a senior (Hailey Hartung)
One of Kamali’s favorite moments was “ when Mrs. Norton decorated cupcakes with the babies people hid in her room.” (Kamali McGee)
Steve’s favorite memory this year was” the Neon theme football game against Grafton.”
When I was at Myrtle Beach in SC in February for my bday, it’s one of my favorites cause I’ve always liked going to the beach and watching the waves and it feels peaceful and pretty.”-Hallie Foulke (Hallie Foulke)
One of Jalal’s favorite moments this year was” going to prom and hanging out with friends.” (Jalal Sayeed)
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