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All about North Korea!

Not so fun facts!
All about North Korea!

North Korea has always been a country full of controversy, corruption, and a place the media has always frowned upon. But to understand why, you must go back through the entire history and many generations before.

North Korea was founded as a country, August 15th, 1945, after gaining independence from the republic of Korea. While also writing the North Korean constitution in 1948. 2 years later in 1950, the Korean Civil War began when North Korea invaded South Korea on June 25th. North Korea had backing from the PRC (Peoples Republic of China) and the UNC (United Nations Command). The South Korean army was nearly defeated until the UN assisted to help push-back on Northern forces to keep them off the peninsula. The fighting ended on July 27th, 1953, when the Korean Armistice Agreement was signed, which created the Korean DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) however, there was never a peace treaty that was formed and signed, making this not a dead war, but a frozen conflict.

North Korea also has a shaky history of leadership, and government, the first Chairman of the People’s assembly in North Korea was Kim Tu-bong, who rained for 9 years, and was the leader during the Korean war. Succeeding him was Choe Yong-gon who had a reign for 15 years and was a part of Koreas social democratic party. These first two leaders were both never recognized as president as North Koreas constitution originally did not identify the president or any sort of presidential position. The 1st supreme leader was Kim ll Sung who became the supreme leader December 28th, 1972, and reigned until his death on July 8th, 1994. This first trio of leaders were in power during North Koreas first 45 years were very essential as Kim ll Sung established North Korea as a dictatorship and he kept very close relations with the Soviet Union. The 2nd supreme leader was Kim Jong II, who had a very short reign of 2 years as he died in 2011. The leader who followed him was his son, Kim Jong Un, who is still the supreme leader and is approaching his 8th year as the supreme leader  as he took over in 2016.

Glorious Leader Kim Jong Un

North Korea has also had some decent publicity, as the Harlem globe trotters came to North Korea in 2015, as Kim Jong Un seemingly loves basketball. It was documented in the HBO series “Vice”. Also. NBA Legend claims to have a very close relationship with the supreme leader.

 North Korea also has a shaky history of leadership, and government, the first Chairman of the People’s assembly in North Korea was Kim Tu-bong, who rained for 9 years, and was the leader during the Korean war. Succeeding him was Choe Yong-gon who 

had a reign for 15 years and was a part of Koreas social democratic party. These first two leaders were both nev

er recognized as president as North Koreas constitution originally did not identify the president or any sort of presidential position. The 1st supreme leader was Kim all Sung who became the supreme leader December 28th, 1972, and reigned until his death on July 8th, 1994. This first trio of leaders were in power during North Koreas first 45 years were very essential as Kim all Sung established North Korea as a dictatorship and he kept very close relations with the Soviet Union. The 2nd supreme leader was Kim Jong II, who had a very short reign of 2 years as he died in 2011. The leader who followed him was his son, Kim Jong Un, who is still the supreme leader and is approaching his 8th year as the supreme leader as he took over in 2016. 

 North Kore also had some decent publicity, as the Harlem globe trotters came to North Korea in 2015, as Kim Jong Un seemingly loves basketball. It was documented and was later made into an episode of the HBO series “VICE”

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