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Iraqi History and Recent News
At least 400 people die in protests against unemployment and corruption in cities including the capital Baghdad, prompting Adel Abdul Mahdi to tender his resignation. (Maj. Charlie Dietz)

Current Events in Iraq

Breaking News in northern Iraq; Turkey has recently launched airstrikes that have targeted the northern part of Iraq on May 8th, where many Kurdish people and militants are located. These strikes struck positions that were suspected to be the area of the Kurdish Workers’ Party in the regions of Gara, Metina, and Karuk. These airstrikes came a few weeks after the Turkish President had visited Iraq for the first time in the last 12 years. He was visiting to attempt to solve problems of conflict with militants. He had previously started an operation against the Kurdish Workers’ Party to attempt to get rid of the threat they are posing. This is because the workers’ party is a terrorist group hoping to be eradicated by Turkey and its other allies near it.

History of Iraq

Iraq invades and annexes Kuwait, prompting what becomes known as the first Gulf War. (Ninara from)

Iraq has a very deep and rich history whether it comes to violence, terrorism, or any other events. The culture in Iraq has changed significantly from how it used to be in the past. Today, Iraq has a culture that is mixed between other countries including, Arab, Kurdish, and Turkmen traditions and customs. Certain customs in Iraq are things like meeting people for the first time with tea and proper hospitality. People in Iraq love to uphold their heritage, their community, and their support for their nation. Iraq also is shaped by its rich history and combination of other country’s culture. Iraq is especially known for having their special dances, vibrant music, cuisine, and religious practices. The government in Iraq is similar to other countries in its area because it is a federal parliamentary democratic republic. It’s a multi-party system that has executive power that is exercised by the Prime Minister and the head of the government. The federal government of Iraq is defined under the current constitution as an Islamic, democratic, federal parliamentary republic.  The federal government is composed of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, as well as numerous independent commissions. The basic subdivisions of the country are the regions and the governorates. Both regions and governorates are given

British mandate ends, Iraq becomes independent. Britain retains military bases. (James Gordon)

broad autonomy with regions given additional powers such as control of internal security forces for the region such as police, security forces, and guards. Some of the most important events in Iraqi history have come in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s. One example of this was in 1990 when Iraq invaded and annexed Kuwait. This prompted what became known as the first Gulf War. A massive US-led military campaign forces Iraq to withdraw in February 1991. Another very important event came in August of 1992 when a no-fly zone, which Iraqi planes are not allowed to enter, was set up in southern Iraq. One of the next biggest events was in 2013 when the country was in a full blown war again. This time, it was with Sunni and Shai military groups. A series of bombings hit Kurdistan capital Irbil in the first such attack since 2007. By the year-end, the UN estimates the 2013 death toll of civilians as 7,157.


Wikimedia Commons. “Wikimedia Commons.”, 2016, Accessed 20 May 2024.


“Iraq Profile – Timeline.” BBC News, 3 Oct. 2018,  Accessed 20 May 2024

Press, The Associated. “Two Killed in Anti-Government Protests in Iraq.” The New York Times, 1 Oct. 2019, Accessed 20 May 2024.

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