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The Lafayette Ledger

Filipino History

Life and History of the Philippines

A republic and island country in Southeast Asia is known as the Philippines. It is the home to over 115.56 million people. Life wasn’t always easy for the Filipino people especially throughout the 1900s. They had to fight for their independence during this time.

Significant events in Filipino History. Dating back from 1930s to 1940s period.



Their government is run very similar to the US government. They are governed by a three- branch system and are a country of democracy. Led by Filipino President, Bongbong Marcos and Vice President, Sara Duterte who were sworn in on June 30th, 2022. Throughout Bongbong’s presidency he has put efforts into developing a closer relationship with the US as the previous president tended to steer away from these relations. Bongbong hosted a large military exercise in 2023 along with visiting Washington, DC to meet with political leaders. While visiting the two sides both agreed to strengthen ties between the two and clarify conditions under which the US would come to the Philippines defense (1951 Mutual Defense Treaty) in disputes between Philippines in South China sea and China.

The Philippines is known for their foods especially lumpia. Lumpia are fried spring rolls which are filled with a mixture of ground pork, cabbage, and other vegetables and are really popular in Filipino cultures. Other major meals are built around rice noodles and steamed or boiled rice. Also, port, chicken, goat, and fish. Along with an assortment of cooked vegetables and fruits. Alcoholic drinks are made from sugarcane, rice, and coconut sap.

They also wear unique clothing like the Malong which is a woven tube of cloth that is colorful made to be worn by both men and women. It is a characteristic of Muslim communities. In the more urban areas men wear a barong, which is an embroidered shift for casual and formal events. Women may be seen wearing a terno, which is a long dressed that rises slightly at the shoulders all the way to the elbow that is to be seen as “butterfly sleeves”.

Family is very important in the Philippines and revolves around grandparents, parents, cousins, aunts, and uncles. While much of the country is catholic, each child gets a godparent once they are baptized. Godparents also play a role in caring for their godchildren as the grow up. As many are Catholics, they also gather for other major life events like confirmation, marriage, and other religious holidays. Other parts of the Philippines are Muslim and celebrate circumcisions and Ramadan. But they also celebrate holidays as a country which include New Year’s, Independence Day (June 12), and Labor Day (May 1).


Kaamulan parade gathering hundreds of people in the streets of Malaybalay City.

The Kaamulan Festival is an extremely popular festival in the Philippines that takes place from the second half of February to March 10th of every year. The name “Kaamulan” means “to gather”. Kaamulan is a gathering of the 7 tribes of Bukidnon and showcases the different cultures and tradition. This draws a huge crowd all over the Philippines and even the world. You can learn about the Bukidnon people’s way of life by witnessing traditional music, dances, and rituals. Giving people   more of an appreciation for the Filipino culture and diversity.

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