Lafayette Spotlight: Craig Jones

Who would Mr. Jones take with him from LHS faculty, if he were stranded on a desert island? Read on to find out!

Do you ever wonder who takes care of the school after hours? Well, lets hear from the head of Lafayette’s custodial staff!

Q) Where are you from originally?

A) Mr. Jones is originally from Toano, Virginia.

Q) How long have you been working at Lafayette?

A) Mr. Jones has worked at Lafayette for three years.

Q) What did you do before you came to LHS?

A) Mr. Jones served 15 years in the Marine Corps.

Q) What is your role at Lafayette? 

A) His role at Lafayette High School is Head Custodian.

Q) What made you want to work at Lafayette? 

A) According to Mr. Jones, he was moved to Lafayette when he got the morning opener position.

Q) Do you have any advice for young people today?

A) Mr. Jones encourages young people to go to college, join the military, and stay out of trouble.

Q) If you could meet anyone from any time in the past, who would you choose and why? 

A) If Mr. Jones could see anyone from the past it would be his dad. “Miss him, Love him,” he says.

Q) If you were stranded on a remote desert island, which 3 other LHS teachers would you choose to have there with you? 

A) Mr. Jones would take all of the Lafayette teachers with him if he could.