Lafayette Spotlight: Brendan Berry

Mr. Berry helps out every day both at the school and at home with his family.

Meet Mr. Berry!  He is our very own technology integration coach (TIC). He helps out with technology problems, and integrating technology into every day learning.



Q–Where are you from originally?

A–Pittsburg, PA


Q–How long have you been a technology specialist, and how long at Lafayette?

A–2021, all at Lafayette.  18 years in education though.


Q–What are your basic duties at Lafayette?

A–My job is to assist teachers in better integrating technology into their instruction, introduce new technology and instructional techniques where appropriate, and coach and co-teach in the classroom with technology-infused instruction.


Q–What is your education and training background?

A–I’m a graduate from Kent State University and my initial training and experience is as an English teacher.  Did that for 16 years at middle school and high school.  Was at Bruton and Jamestown before taking this job here.


Q–Why did you become a Technology specialist?

A–I became a technology integration coach because I enjoyed creating lessons that were outside the box, as well as helping people one on one. However, being honest, I was also ready for a change of pace after 16 years in the classroom, but I didn’t want to leave schools completely and still really enjoyed working with kids.


Q–What’s your favorite color?

A–Depends what the color is on – vehicles: green; clothes: blue.


Q–What is your favorite thing about LHS?

A–Maybe a weird answer, but I like the diversity of this school and how it better reflects the diversity of the country.  You don’t find that everywhere.


Q–What’s your favorite candy?

A–Australian Licorice.