US volunteers fighting in Ukraine

Foreign fighters are taking down Russia against the odds.


Ads throughout the world showing support to Ukraine, wanting the war to come to an end.

In February of 2022 Russia sent its military into Ukraine to start attempting to take over the country. The Invasion was shocking to most people as it was the first major war in Europe in years. Unfortunately, the US is not willing to put troops into Ukraine because Ukraine isn’t apart of NATO. If NATO or the US sent in troops into Ukraine it would definitely help Ukraine fight the war, but it would create a multi-nation conflict. Thus the US is trying to find ways to help Ukraine win the war, but indirectly. They have taken the route of sending weapons and equipment to Ukraine to help, instead of sending troops. The US actually sent over $600M in weapons over to Ukraine. The US and the rest of NATO are doing their best to help Ukraine without starting a multi-national conflict throughout the world.

Destruction of Russian tanks, likely done by Ukrainian forces or foreign volunteers.

Still fighting to stay alive in the war with Russia, Ukraine signed their application to join NATO on September 30th, 2022. If Ukraine can join NATO, it would be a huge advantage over Russia. This would give NATO the ability to send troops over and help Ukraine by any means possible.

In the meantime, because America cannot help Ukraine directly there are US special forces voluntarily going to Ukraine to help. American volunteers are going to territorial defense areas in Ukraine to help. It was reported by VOA news that over 3000 American volunteers are in Ukraine to help the Ukrainian soldiers fight off the Russian military. There have been videos going around the internet showing that volunteers have reached the front lines of the war. Because of the brutality of combat in Ukraine, many US volunteers are facing scary psychological health issues. An article posted by New York magazine states that US troops are having a bad time. Many other foreign volunteers are being killed and temporary bases are being destroyed and facing many casualties.

President of Ukraine recently signed Ukraine’s request to join NATO

Volunteers promised they would fight until the job was finished but the life the volunteers are living is brutal. They are struggling to keep fighting, many dealing with PTSD and other psychological issues. The US volunteers are doing the most they can to help Ukraine, but the world is uncertain as to whether they are going to be able to support and fight in the war until its finished. In all, the world wants to help Ukraine take down the terrorist nation of Russia, doing their utmost to help out in any way they can, whether sending over weapons and equipment or volunteer troops from around the world going over and fighting for Ukraine’s freedom.