
Chinchillas are very caring and energetic animals and they make great pets

Chinchillas are two types of species: the long haired Chinchillas and short haired Chinchillas. Originally  from northern Chile in the Andes Mountains, chinchillas live together in groups called herds. They have really soft, dense fur, much more so than most other mammals. People from the Andes–and then around the world–wore Chinchilla’s soft fur for clothing. Because these items of fur clothing were in such high demand globally, around the end of the 19th century Chinchillas became rare. Today they are sustainably farmed for their fur, but chinchillas can also make great pets. Like all pets, they need a lot of care.  They can be messy and need their cages to be cleaned daily, and always need food available to them: fresh hay and food pellets everyday.