The Future of Farms


A sheep at Colonial Williamsburg represents the millions of animals that Supermeat could save lives.

As the moral stance of vegetarians and vegans gains popularity and members of the community increases, the desire for a more realistic meat substance is reaching an all-time high. Laboratories and companies all across the globe are trying to genetically modify stem cells of chicken and cows and other popular meats to create a fake meat substitutes that has the same nutritional value and can cut out the consequences of the livestock and farming industry. Globally, deforestation emits 2.4 billion tons of c02 every year, and approximately 37% of all Methane emissions come from farms as well.

The meat grown from stem cells could be made in less than a week, doesn’t harm any animals, and produces virtually nothing in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. With the equipment and facilities being expensive and the research required to make this possible future a reality is quite extensive, the idea of its certainly spreading and hopefully funding will as well. If you want to watch a more in depth video on the production of this artificial meat, go to this link. If the environment, and animals could be saved, why shouldn’t we try to make the switch to this greener alternative.